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Marijuana vegetative stage

Marijuana Vegetative Stage – Everything you Need to Know

Marijuana or cannabis, just like any other plant and living organism, has different stages and growth periods. It passes through a life cycle and changes, and each phase demands extra attention and instructions. Knowing the different phases of the marijuana or cannabis plant will help the grower learn how to make it grow steadily and nicely, with the help of the right tools and essential needs such as sunlight, water, and other nutrients. The marijuana vegetative stage is a critical phase that can determine the overall growth of the plant. 

It takes quite a long time for a cannabis plant to grow, ranging from as early as four months to 8 months longer. In the span of up to thirty-two weeks, the most vital part is the vegetative phase, where the plant starts to grow. Outdoor or indoor growth can also affect the cycle. Outdoor growing depends mainly on the weather and season, while indoor growing may be easier to control, depending on the variables.  

Marijuana Growing Stages 

There are four primary stages of a cannabis plant ranging from a small seed to a full-grown plant ready for harvest. 

First is the germination stage that could last from five to ten days. Second, the seedling stage can happen between two to three weeks. Third, the vegetative stage needs three to sixteen weeks. Lastly, the flowering stage, where it will take eight weeks up to eleven weeks. 

1) Germination Stage 

The first phase of marijuana cultivation is the growth of the seed. To ensure a good quality plant, the grower must choose an excellent quality seed. Good quality seed is known through color and feel.  It must feel dry and firm, and the colors range from a lighter to a darker brown shade. Once the seed is planted, it will grow first into its basic sprout leaf and will slowly grow more and bigger. 

2) Seedling phase 

The plant will soon turn to a seedling from a single sprout, where the small leaves start to grow. It will begin with a leaf blade furrowed or ridged. This stage is also crucial, and a few things should be followed, such as; avoid overwatering and look out for any diseases or molds.  Overwatering will cause its small roots to drown. Just a little sprinkle will do. Molds and diseases will kill the plant, so it is better to put it in a clean and dry environment. 

3) Vegetative phase 

The marijuana vegetative stage is the start of real growth; thus, the plant should be transferred to its final and big plant pot to grow with enough space and nutrients. Indica plant is shorter, while Savita plants are longer, so knowing the two will help you learn more about your plant’s growth. 

4) Flowering phase 

This phase is the last part of the marijuana growing process. Buds will start to grow, and you will be able to determine the sex of the growing plant. A few reminders needed for this stage are avoiding pruning the plants, getting to know the buds, and giving your plants the necessary vitamins and nutrients required for growth. Once these buds reach maturity, they are now ready for harvest. 

Marijuana vegetative stage – Why is it important and crucial? 

To further explain, the vegetative phase is the crucial period after seed germination and before flowering and blooming into a fully-grown plant. This where the young plant sets its root and grows its stem. In this stage, the grower needs to be extra careful and mindful and should provide the necessary needs of the plant. The environment where the plant is can factor in its growth. The bigger the plant growth, the higher the number of flowers it produces. 

There is also one trick called ‘training.’ Training the plants means bodily shaping the plants to grow more buds that would increase yield. The point of training plants is to make many colas and grow marijuana plants indoors where there is lesser light from the sun. There are three general types of cannabis plant training. First is twisting and securing some parts of the plants that cause little or no physical harm.  Second, destroying or cutting some parts of the plant to let it grow the way you desire. And lastly is managing timelines so you can get fast and big yields. 

If you can handle the marijuana vegetative stage well, you can produce and harvest the best leaves and products at a large quantity and quality. That’s why this part is very crucial and important to the growing stage of cannabis plants.

Everything you Need to Know – Marijuana Vegetative Stage

There are tips and tricks on how to grow marijuana in its vegetative stage. The plants have different demands which you can crater, and with the excellent balance between these, you can exceptionally have the best growth you could have. 

The two different growth settings will also have a distinctive effect. 


Growing your marijuana indoors means having control over the setting place. This means the grower can decide the amount of light the marijuana is exposed to during the vegetative stage—the marijuana plant, when opened to the sun, or the light grows more due to photosynthesis. However, if you want to keep your plant short, you can control the amount of light it gets. Not only can growers control the light during indoor growing. They can also control the temperature, humidity, and even the carbon dioxide level. All these are essential to keep the plants growing well. The advantages of increasing indoors include privacy and safety and smaller chances of having pests and bugs.  The disadvantage, however, is that it might be a little pricey, for you need to spend money on fans, humidifiers, lights, and other equipment. If you are a beginner or just planting marijuana as a hobby, this might not be the case for you. 


For outdoor planting, the grower may have less control during the marijuana vegetative state and the whole growing cycle itself. So even though you plan to grow marijuana outdoors, you must be skeptical of where you want to place it to provide the necessary means and support for its growth. Certain things may affect your outdoor plants. The main concern is the weather. The scorching sun rays can be resolved by an excellent shade for your plants, while when it rains, you won’t have to water the plants. But you need to make sure there is no overwatering prompted by rain.  

Warm and humid air can also give diseases to your plants. It is also accessible for pests and bugs to nibble on the petals and roots.  So, to solve this, you can put your plant in a raised structure, where air can pass smoothly. Sprinkle your plants with healthy nutrients, and enclose them in a net or a fence. Although there is a lower setting restraint, you can have average growth with a few equipments required. 


Good soil means it has more nutrients for the plants; thus, the growth will be ensured. The soil is where the roots primarily get their means to spread out. Bad soil will stop the growth that would lead to a dead plant. Thus, it is needed to use good quality soil and pure water when cultivating marijuana in its vegetative state. 


Each plant should have enough space and distance from each other to avoid shadowing and obstructing. You could use taming techniques that would allow you to limit the growth and save and minimize the number of spaces used. 

Topping Marijuana

This method is done to control the height of the marijuana plant. Using sterilized scissors, you can clip off the top stem causing it to separate. Thus, more buds will produce, and the growth is maintained. 

Marijuana Vegetative Stage Care Essentials 

1) Sufficient sunlight and light 

There are plant lamps and lights sold in the market, and they are used to supply the light demanded by the plant’s growth.  Follow the needed instructions for setting it up, as well as the correct brightness and angle.   While growing outdoors, you can just let the plant soak under the sun for a long time or when needed. 

2) Watering the plants 

Watering the plants is also very important. Water only when necessary and especially when the topsoil is dry. Ensure the flower pot has holes on the bottom so the water won’t stay on the pot and soil, making it too damp for the plant and roots. 

3) Vitamins and Nutrition 

When including nutrients for plant growth, set it a half-strength, and raise it only when needed. This is to avoid overdoing it.  You can add water to the nutrient solution, so balance it before spraying it on the plants. 

4) Humidity and temperature 

Make sure the environment is not too warm and not too cool for your plants. A temperature ranging from 20 degrees to 3o degrees Celsius is suitable and best. Avoid lower humidity and freezing temperature during the marijuana vegetative stage.

Things to watch out for during the Marijuana Vegetative Stage

1) Bugs and Pests

These bugs and pests will affect the marijuana vegetative stage and eat the new leaves and stem. Thus, the plant will die, and the efforts are wasted. Make sure to check for these bugs and pests meticulously and get rid of them instantly. 

2) Pungent Smell and Mold

When your plants have a pungent smell during the marijuana vegetative stage, it means there might be mold or bacteria present on the plants.  This could kill the plant as well. 

3) Growth 

Observe the plant if the growth is too slow. If it is, you need to check if you have given the right care essentials. If the plant increased too tall with nodes set apart from each other rather than bushy, the plant requires more sun, and it is just ‘growing’ because it stretches out for the sun.


One of the most delicate parts of growing a cannabis plant is the marijuana vegetative stage. It requires both your attention and special care. This stage will determine the quality of weed you are going to harvest in the future. So, it is very important to note the essential things to do and things to avoid. Since this stage is crucial, the proper tools and knowledge about this stage will help the grower address some concerns correctly and abruptly. 

Like any distinct plant, the cannabis plant needs are the same. They are also predisposed to infections and pests. Sometimes, these pests and bugs emerge overnight. So, the grower must be more mindful. These gnats, molds, and infections are the earliest obstacles once the leaves start developing. Luckily, the market is also equipped with essential and organic solutions to cater to these problems. The answer now rests in the means a grower takes care and controls the marijuana vegetative stage.

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One Response

  1. Once the plant has produced around 4-6 nodes it is ready to be topped. This is about the beginning of the veg stage. The veg stage can last as long as needed but might want to wait until the plant is around 10-12 inches tall before flipping to flower.

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