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Problems in Growing Marijuana

Common Problems of Growing Regular Marijuana Strains

Just like with other types of marijuana plant, growing regular marijuana strains are the same. You provide them with plenty of sunlight, an abundance of water, and nutrient-rich soil in order for them to grow healthy. Growing regular marijuana strains can be done indoors or outdoors; however – there’s a downside to it.

When you cultivate regular marijuanas outdoors, you provide them with plenty of sunlight exposure which they love, resulting in massive yields. However, they are very eye-catching, especially for neighbors. If you want to stay low-key with your marijuana cultivation, then you should be a stealthy grower.

On the other hand, when you plan to cultivate your regular marijuana indoors, you can control all the factors that affect the growth of your marijuana. But, it should be noted that you’ll have to provide all the necessary equipment, and this may cost you a lot.

No matter how you look at it, growing regular marijuana may not be as easy as you think. There will be problems that will arise over the course. Lucky for you, we’ve listed the common problems of growing regular marijuana strains and how you can fix them.

Incorrect PH Levels and Nutrient Levels.

The level of pH in your plant’s root zone plays a pivotal role, especially in their flowering time. When there’s an imbalance of pH levels in your root zones, it will affect the overall health of your plants. There’s a lot of ways how pH problems manifest, from wrinkling and curling of leaves to looking like a dead plant. And in some scenarios, they look like cases of nutritional insufficiency.

Another scenario where the pH problem shows is through burnt edges and spots on the plant’s leaves. It is important to identify the root problem firsthand before it gets uncontrollable. Besides, who wants to misdiagnose the illness of their plant, right? If you decide to pump-in some additional nutrients, it might not be the best option for you. As the saying goes, too much of a good thing is a bad thing. Putting in more nutrients into your plant may cause your buds to exhibit a bad flavor and smell. And this may incredibly affect your yields.

One good way to check the pH levels of your soil is by buying a pH kit. When you plant marijuana in your soil, the average pH level should be around 6.0 to 7.0. and for growers using hydroponics style, the root zone pH levels should hover around 5.5 to 6.5. And if the readings are off, it might be the best idea to put some pH UP or pH DOWN products to balance things out.

Male Plants Pollinating Female Plants.

When you plan on growing the best quality regular marijuana, you would presumably pick the females, right? Yes! Females are the ones which exhibit all the great marijuana features. And compared to males, they are more enticing to the public. However, if you plan on growing regular marijuana strains, there’s a likely chance that your male marijuana plants will pollinate your female plants.   

Male plants do not grow buds as females do, and they have very little use for cannabis growers. For growers who want seeds, this part is okay. However, for growers seeking their female plants to grow dank flowers and potent buds, this is not the best thing. When a female plant is pollinated by a male plant, they produce seeds that are naturally done to preserve the species; they divert their effort in producing great quality buds and flowers. This is the bad side of it.

To avoid your males from pollinating your females, it is best to determine which is which. It is best to keep an eye on all of your male plants. In doing so, when a plant is tossing out pollen sacs rather than flowers, pick them out immediately. They are surely males. It might be a daunting task to do, but trust me, they are not worth keeping and may affect your overall output.


Hermaphrodites are basically female marijuana plants but grow male parts. Female plants, when stressed, try to self-pollinate by producing male pollen sacs. It is a phenomenon wherein they try to preserve their lineage. It is often caused by extreme stress by not being pollinated by a male. This can manifest in two ways, either by producing a pollen sac within its buds or a yellow banana-looking erection, which is essentially a stamen.  

 When female plants start to exhibit this kind of behavior, try to remove them as soon as possible as they might pollinate other female plants, or try to remove the male parts. We highly recommend terminating this type of plant in your grow space.

Mold Formation At The Tip of Your Buds

The formation of molds in your marijuana plants poses a great risk in your overall production. Molds thrive in grow spaces where there are no proper ventilation and light cycles, mainly caused by humidity and dark conditions. One way to avoid molds is to provide humidifiers; they are great at keeping molds at bay.

Also, it is an ideal choice to look for strains that have great resistance to molds, such as a White Widow, Swiss Cheese, and Blue Widow, to name a few. When drying, we highly advise hanging them upside down in a dark room. Dark rooms help ease the degradation effect that the lights impose on your flowers. Lastly, keeping the humidity at around 50% helps regulate the drying—not too fast nor too slow.

Improper Lighting Set Up

Lighting in plants plays a large role in their development. However, overexposure may be a detrimental factor in their health as well. Providing a great source of light for your plants is a must; it helps achieve the best outcome possible. During photosynthesis, the plant uses light to produce energy; therefore, an adequate amount of light is key. There are a few considerations with regard to lighting: one is how close they are to your plants, another is the light cycle.

When plants are too close to the light source, they are at risk of being bleached or burned. It is best to distance your lights from your plants at a safe range, especially if you plan on growing Sativa-dominant plants. Sativa-dominant plants may outgrow your space as they reach heights of around 3 meters. So, ideally, it is best to position your light source at a reasonable distance, not too close and not too near.


Some common problems of growing regular marijuana strains can be fixed easily. We’ve provided different scenarios of problems that may arise and how they can be solved. Growing regular seeds doesn’t come without any repercussions, but we have listed ways on how to counter these kinds of problems. Happy growing!

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